Mundo Eléctrico 2006 es la V Exposición Internacional del Sector Eléctrico y se realizará entre los días 22 y 25 de Setiembre de 2006 en el Parque de Exposiciones del Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, en la ciudad de Montevideo.
Automat 2006, II Esposición de Automatismo Industrial, Comercial, Lumínico y Domótico.


Andes 1365 Of. 517.
(+598 2) 903 2841
Montrevideo - Uruguay
Foro Iberoamericano de Perdidas Energéticas No Técnicas

Between 8 and 11 of September of 2006, simultaneously with Mundo Eléctrico 2006, “Primer encuentro Iberoamericano para el análisis, evaluación y tratamiento de perdidas no técnicas” (First Iberoamerican Meeting for Analize, Evaluation and treatment on Non Technical Losses)will be made.
These Meeting, will count with the participation of important Energy suppliers companies from LatinAmerica and the principal Regional private actors searching for solutions, has been created with the objetive in generate an instance that brings socialization experiences and search common solutions to problems that are shared in the continent. Electric Energy Stealth is one of the principal causes that generates losses in Suppliers Companies. Solution search to these thematics is work for all of us.
For this Reason, on September, specialist in this thematic, technicians, engeeniers, public and private companies, suppliers ompanies and solutions providers companies, will give meeting in LATU's Trade Show place with the objetive in the research of common solutions to these problem that affect all of us.
Gubernamental Organizations and Privates ones, have taken the quest of pushing up this event that is in the final line, Adjusting details to publish CALL FOR PAPERS, that will be communicated in time and form.

More Information will be available soon.