Mundo El�ctrico 2006 es la V Exposici�n Internacional del Sector El�ctrico y se realizar� entre los d�as 22 y 25 de Setiembre de 2006 en el Parque de Exposiciones del Laboratorio Tecnol�gico del Uruguay, en la ciudad de Montevideo.
Automat 2006, II Esposici�n de Automatismo Industrial, Comercial, Lum�nico y Dom�tico.

Parque de Exposiciones del Laboratrio Tecnológico del Uruguay

Andes 1365 Of. 517.
(+598 2) 903 2841
Montrevideo - Uruguay

LATU's Pabillons spacial Location


Mandatory Route Order (C, D, B).
Haga Click en la letra del pabellon que desea visitar.
Click on the Pabillon you wish to visit


New Layout design with mandatory route to the end of pabillon "B".

Creation of three conferences rooms inside the pabillons; one in Pabillon's C mid- Floor With capacity for 150 sited persons; other with similar dimentions and same capacity at the end of Pabillon "B". In front of this, there's other with minor proportions and capacity to 50 sitted persons. This way, we are looking more mobilization in the Pabillons because the room of acts wouldn´t be used

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