Mundo Eléctrico 2006 es la V Exposición Internacional del Sector Eléctrico y se realizará entre los días 22 y 25 de Setiembre de 2006 en el Parque de Exposiciones del Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, en la ciudad de Montevideo.
Automat 2006, II Esposición de Automatismo Industrial, Comercial, Lumínico y Domótico.
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Andes 1365 Of. 517.
(+598 2) 903 2841
Montrevideo - Uruguay
  Presence on International Trade shows
  Prizes for Innovation
  New Layout
  Rooms for Academic Activities
  New Multiuse spaces
  Stand Contest
  Telecommunication Trade Show
  Contests and competitions
  Only for two
  More Presence
  Press Sector
  Vip Room
  Thematic island
  More Participation for Exhibitors

Answering to several requests from our traditional exhibitors we are developing a media plan to promote the event not only in Uruguay but in the other countries of the region. The definitive media plan will be available for those who are interested since 30 March of 2006, date that the organization have position like limit so that all the contracts are signed, and at the same time being the launching of the campaign. Without decline of it during year 2005 and in the first trimester of the 2006, already promotion actions will have been made in several specialized means of Uruguay and Argentina mainly.

  Presence on International Trade Shows
  The Organization will participate on Trades Shows like BIEL 2005 in Bs. As. and on ELETRONSUL 2006 in Porto Alegre. In both cases with our own stand for regional best promotion of the event.
  Prizes for Innivation
  Prizes Implementation for Innovation on the different categories.
  New Layout
  New layout design, with mandatory way to the end of Pabillon "B".
  Rooms for Academic Activities
    Creation of three conferences rooms inside the pabillons; one in Pabillon's C mid- Floor With capacity for 150 sited persons; other with similar dimentions and same capacity at the end of Pabillon "B". In front of this, there's other with minor proportions and capacity to 50 sitted persons. This way, we are looking more mobilization in the Pabillons because the room of acts would not be used. For this oportunity, Room's time availability will be 48 turns in total, being able to reach 64 turns with the rating of the "Club del Expositor", initially not contemplated for the reasons before exposed.
As it is intention of the Organization to obtain a calendar of abundant nonsingle Academic Activity, but interesting and also attractive for the different actors from the sector, it will be asked to companies interested in confirming turns to do it with sufficient time, taking knowledge that the promotion will be made 45 days before the trade show with a poster that will be placed in different strategic points in Montevideo, country and even in countries of the Region. It will pe published in specialized magazines, press, etc. These Schedule will be available on our website and will be send by email to all the Organization's data Base.
To benefit from the promotion mentioned before, companies must present to the Organization before 31 July of 2006, las empresas deberán presentar a la Organización antes del día 31 de julio de 2006, previous confirmation and space reservation, disertation's title, Prayer's complete name and country of origin, in addition to sponsorship company data.
Organization will invite to many professionals and National and foreign technicians to participate with disertations in the Academic Activity.
  New Multiuse Space
  Expositors who get their turns on the different rooms, could count with two spaces, one in Pabillon "C" and the other in Pabillon "B" next to the rooms bringing to guests a cocktel after disertation finish.
Expositors will also count with special costs for catering services. Service that will be offered by the oficial company that have the coffee concesion. These service must be confirmed 30 days before the event.
  Stand's contest
  Organization have modificated the stand's contest bases searching that jury not only takes acount from the aesthetic, but also evaluates the general concept of product's presentation and/or, valorizing the fact of an stand in a thematic trade show.
  Telecomunication's trade show
  Silmultaneously with Mundo Eléctrico in Pabillon A will be made a telecommunications's sector Exhibition for which we are adjunting details. Will be an independent show, but those who came to this exhibition will have access to Mundo Eléctrico as well and the other way.
  Contests and Competitions

Contest an competitions realization between the different affinity groups like: Instalers, students, Technicians and visitors, with different thematics, with prizes like travels, becas, seminars in Uruguay and in foreign countries, equipment, tools sets, 50% discount and 100% bonus on services, electric material and others. Those interested in participate must be booked paying $300,oo and will receive an $600 coupon to buy electric material in those companies who we have signed convenio, after your participation in competitions independently of the place that obtains in the same one.
Following some of the thematics given:
1) Assembly of a previously specified electrical booth design.
2) Montaje de un tablero
3) Booth of an Hotel's switch with artifact and cableado.
4) PLC's programation.
5) Motor's connection with manual reverse switch.
6) Assembly of commando of electrical motor with switcher.
7) Booth of a Neumatic system.
All these thematics will be sponsored by expositors that will bring prizes and materials to do the competitions, for which the Organization is open to receive suggests and variations de las propuestas.

  Only for two
  To get the desire continue between the three lined pabillons, intercommunication tunnels will be saled, doing a better disposition and route lighting, avoiding the natural spaced one that they normally generate.
  More Presence
  Oportunity of having presence, only with statics in trade Show where you have not got space.
  Different sponsorship categories with convenient prices.
  Press's Sector
  Vip Room
  Vip Room with basic and international phone service, Fax, Internet, PhotoCopy, computer, secretary, coffee, meeting room, etc, in an specially prepared agreed atmosphere whit moving and thermical aconditioning.
  Thematics Islands
  Contract space posibility destinated for monographic exhibition.
Follow are some of them:
- Natural Light Technics.
- Fire Protection and smoke extraction automatized systems.
- Architecture and climatization systems.
- Light Design
- Perfomance Contracts.
- Light events.
- Live Automatism
- Music, Light and Water (exterior area)
- Cogeneration generation (exterior area)
Monographics exhibitions detailed before are to confirmate depend on the expositors interest in taking one of them, despite, Executive Organization Comite is open to this kind of propuestas by those who are interested.
  More participation for expositors
  Searching more active participation from the expositors, the Organization has created an open space for them to receive inquietudes and advices to get a better final product. To do it, we have created an special email where we will receive the mentioned contributions.