Mundo Eléctrico 2006 es la V Exposición Internacional del Sector Eléctrico y se realizará entre los días 22 y 25 de Setiembre de 2006 en el Parque de Exposiciones del Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, en la ciudad de Montevideo.
Automat 2006, II Esposición de Automatismo Industrial, Comercial, Lumínico y Domótico.


Andes 1365 Of. 517.
(+598 2) 903 2841
Montrevideo - Uruguay
Event Description Programs Comite
The First Regional Conference on Electrical Energy Quality will be held, simultaneously with Mundo Eléctrico 2006, in Parque de Exposiciones of Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU), from September 8th to 9th of 2006. This is a technical and academic congress that promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences between participants.
The situation is different in diverse countries of the region. In some of them, there is a large experience on electrical energy quality, others are giving their first steps and some of them are thinking on giving it. The recent economy and energy regional crisis added more difficulties to the development of this area, delaying plans to improve measurements and control systems. However, the electrical integration of the region needs to harmonize criteria and paradigms of control and supervision in electrical energy quality.
The primary target of this congress is to share technical and cultural experiences, perspectives and challenges, between all professionals and students, directly or indirectly related to this area.
During the congress, there will be plenary sessions conducted by invited experts, technical sessions for the presentation of accepted papers, and equipment demonstration by manufacturer companies related to electric energy quality.
  • Gonzalo Casaravilla
  • Mario Vignolo
  • Marcos Andrade
  • Daniel Slomovitz
  • Juan Carrasco
  • Cesar Briozzo
  • Jorge Fernández
  • Roberto Chouhy Leborgne
Call For Papers
Researchers, professional engineers, students and technology providers are invited to submit extended summaries on topics covered by the conference. Summaries should have no more than 4 pages including authors data, figures and bibliography and must be prepared in a free format on A4 paper and 12pp letter. Authors must not include their biographies. PDF, PS or DOC files will be accepted. Once the summary is accepted, the author must submit a full paper in its final version. The final version of the paper must not exceed 8 pages and must be prepared using the IEEE conference format and the same type as the summary. Extended summaries and final papers should be submitted on the on-line submission and review interface available in the event site. Papers written in English, Portuguese and Spanish are accepted.
Terms Inscription Cost
Extensive Summary 's reception: June 30 of 2006
Accept Communication: July 14 of 2006
Final Works's reception and preventive booking: August 30 of 2006
At least one autor by each work must be inscripted in advance to ensure work's inclution in event's program.
Preinscription On-Line
Till 08/14/2006
After 08/14/2006

Autors and Partners of Sponsor entities:

U$S 80,oo
U$S 100,oo
Non Asociated Asistants:
U$S 100,oo
U$S 125,oo
U$S 20,oo
U$S 30,oo
Topics of interest
  • Measures of service reliability.
  • Measures of voltage or current quality
  • Interruptions case studies.
  • Sags case studies.
  • Voltage or current unbalance case studies.
  • Harmonics and inter harmonics case studies.
  • Flicker case studies.
  • Reconnection case studies.
  • Power Quality Impacts on Systems and Equipment.
  • Standards, indices and regulations.
  • Deregulation Issues and Power Quality Economic.
  • Technologies to decrease Power Quality problems.
  • Active and Passive Filtering.
  • Energy storage systems.
  • Distributed Generation and Power Quality.
  • Renewable Generation and Power Quality.
  • Others.
Media Sponsor  
Interface for works reception
For more information contact you can contact Technical and Program Comite: